There’s a page @findvanessaguillen on Instagram and invitations to sign a petition. This even caught actor @salmahayek ‘s attention. What actually happened to this young lady?

Vanessa is a female PFC soldier in Fort Hood, a military base in Killeen, TX. She literally disappeared after last seen walking in a parking lot with neither her wallet nor keys taken along with on April 22. She has not since been reachable by her boyfriend and family. The Army has been sending hundreds of soldiers out every day in search for her; lamentably no good news was heard.
The most perplexing thing about the whole incident is that Vanessa disappeared right inside the military base. She should be seen somewhere, but the Army seems able to disclose only so much information.
What is even more shocking is that Attorney Natalie Khawam said two incidents of sexual harassment were discovered with alleged racist remarks. The first incident took place when Vanessa’s sergeant walked in on her showering, while the latter concerned verbal assaults Vanessa received with vulgar remarks in Spanish. Vanessa mentioned these incidents to her friends and family, but she also mentioned that she was afraid to report these cases to her superior. No one was able to tell if her disappearance was in any correlation to the aforementioned.
“How does someone disappear on a base that has more protection and safeguards than anyone else on the planet?” Said Attorney Khawam.
Update 7/3/2020: Vanessa was believed bludgeoned to death in the armory room she worked. Suspect killed himself when the Army attempted to come into to contact with him.