
Not sure if you just woke up in a random street in Central when you saw this post, but you probably saw this weird hat around a lot last night (or tonight for those who didn’t forget to stay tuned to our page on Halloween).
This hat is actually called “Sombrero” – basically just a Spanish name for “hat.” It is a type of wide-brimmed hat from Mexico. It was a variation of the Spanish sombreros, with an even wider brim and a high, conical crown, and has become a type of popular costume cops in parties and fiestas.

However, wearing a sombrero to Halloween or parties became controversial at some schools. These school claimed that “to don the garb of another culture is to engage in a sly form of racist mockery.” Ironically, that’s not what most Mexican people feel according to a Times report. Mexicans are no party poopers, and they actually love it when everyone is feeling themselves in a sombrero. So, if you don’t wanna offend anyone in this day and age but you really wanna have some fun, stick with the OG.