
Spanish dance song Macarena was released in 1994, spending 14 weeks at No. 1 on Billboard Hot 100 and ranked No. 7 on Billboard’s All Time Top 100 in 2012. It has a widely recognized dance that goes along with it, continuing to be a popular dance at weddings, parties, and even sporting events. When President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore were reelected in 1996, from the venue the Convention took place to city streets, everyone was dancing the Macarena crazily and joyfully – If you haven’t yet learned the Macarena, well, you should!

  1. Extend your hand.
  2. Rotate your hand so your palm faces the ceiling.
  3. Touch your shoulder contralaterally.
  4. Touch your head.
  5. Touch your hip contralaterally from the front.
  6. Uncross your arms with hands remaining on the hips and move your body! 

(All steps are started with the right hand.)

One of the easiest dances, it keeps people from getting rid of how perfect the motions coincide with the lyrics and its beat. However, the lyrics is a little bit too sketchy. It is actually about a man encouraging a girl called Macarena to give her body joy by sleeping with two friends of hers when her boyfriend is drafted into the army. It is absolutely not something you might wanna listen to after cuckolding your significant other.