Empire on which the Sun never sets

(El imperio en el que nunca se pone el sol)

What is the first biggest empire in history? What is the first empire on which the sun n ever sets because the coverage of landmass was simply too extensive? Here you go: the Spanish Empire. 

As we all know the empire covered not only Spain and Italy but also most of South America and even the Philippines. It all started when the royal family of Spain married that of Italy. Spain then actively colonized international territories, starting first in northern Africa then in South and Central America.

However, owing to corruptions and lack of agricultural reforms the Empire failed to catch up with the flow of Renaissance, to which Spain was actually one of the pioneers. On the one hand, its people started to look forward to democracy and feel sick of the Empire’s frequent wars with other nations. Successions to different families and interference in other nations’ Protestant movements resulted in a decline in military power which was once considered the best in the world with the Empire’s marines. On the other hand, many other nations happened to be more powerful in terms of their cultural and military influence, namely Neopolean’s French Empire and the British Empire, soon considered another empire on which the sun never sets. The last straw was probably the Empire’s loss to the United Stated in the Spanish-American War where Cuba and the Philippines were lost. Since then, the Spanish Empire was no longer a thing. 

While Atlantic slave trades were considered initiated by the Spanish Empire, the colonial legacy left the Spanish language and Roman Catholism a huge part of the culture in America. As a disclaimer though, our Society does not have any Catholic affiliations, so please don’t worry we will make you read the Bible and repent to a Godfather when you want to come to our event. Also, the Spanish Dollar was the first global currency, and the boundaries between its territories set by the Empire hugely shaped the current geographical regions. For example, Florida and California, once occupied by the Empire, were embedded to the map of the United States maintaining their shape to a very large extent. Last but not least, did you ever wonder why Latinas and Latinos are so hot? They were fundamentally mixed with indigenous people, Spaniard, and Africans, which gave them a healthy complexion and gorgeous facial outline. However, we should not stereotype them with such descriptions because it might be considered objectifying and conclusive.