
Everyone is playing Bingo to make sure they are doing more than staying home safe while being quarantined. In order to stay active, we think it’s time for a little promotion of a Mexican game.
Lotería is not only the spanish word for lottery but also a traditional game similar to Bingo in México ??.

Instead of words, each game board is randomly created with 16 grids of these very beautiful pictures from a collection of 54. After everyone gets at least of these little cards, the caller shuffles their deck. They would then announce to the players the card they pick from the deck one by one. Players would then put some little rocks (not the one in Arkansas) or #pintobeans on the corresponding grid.

Sometimes, callers might tell players which card they draw thru saying the verses below each card name and number. For example, the verse for “La botella” (The bottle) goes like this: La herramienta del borracho (The tool of the drunk). Or like for “El valiente” (The brave man) goes “Por qué le corres cobarde, trayendo tan buen puñal. (Why do you Tun, coward? Having such a good blade too.)”

We are probably not going to upload hundreds of Lotería templates here for you to kill time. However, you might wanna come to our event at the end of the year to catch yourself getting addicted to these beautifully designed cards.