Love HK, Love U (大學,大愛)

Since the establishment a century ago, the University of Hong Kong has been walking hand in hand with Hong Kong citizens through all ups and downs. In view of the current outbreak of COVID-19, the University is launching a caring campaign to enshrine the school motto – Sapientia et Virtus. “Share With U” and “Stand By U” platforms focus on sharing love and care as well as disseminating reliable information. 
Despite the recent resumption of anti-epidemic materials, there are indeed underprivileged citizens who are still struggling to afford these expenses. In light of this phenomenon, HKU proudly presents “Share With U” Platform, to help those in need by matching up resources from those who are willing to share. To start with, FACE MASKS! Quantity doesn’t matter – even one box can showcase your love and care to the needy. We sincerely invite all HKU alumni and partner organisations to generously donate and share spare resources. Many a little makes a mickle! 
Collected materials will be donated to charitable institutions which are exempted from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Simultaneously, HKU students who are in need are also welcome to register and the University shall provide support. Stand by you – HKU student volunteer teams will help distribute resources to the underprivileged in a point-to-point manner, to promote love and compassion, and to fill the community with positivity!

To donate/request masks:

香港大學與香港一起攜手走過了一個世紀,順逆不忘,休戚與共。在這艱困時刻,我們秉承校訓「眀徳格物」,發揮獅子山下精神,推出「LoveHK LoveU」港大抗疫活動,借由「正念抗疫」及「共享有餘」兩個平台,希望與大家分享知識、分享愛。


Learn more about them here!